Sunday, June 19, 2016

My Journey to Cambodia

Hello Reader!

So, if you're reading this, you most likely know that in August I'll be embarking on a year of service in Cambodia. I have accepted a call to serve through the Young Adults in Global Mission program of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Those titles are quite the mouthful, so henceforth, if I mention them, I'll likely refer to them as YAGM and ELCA. For those of you who don't know about this program, know that I'll be one of more than 85 young adults serving in countries around the world for this next year.
"A year of service through the Young Adults in Global Mission program invites young adults to become the hands and feet of Jesus in the world, providing critical support to ministries and projects in communities of need... Young adults serve in the spirit of accompaniment, walking alongside global companions in a manner that practices mutuality, interdependence, and solidarity. Areas of service include, but are not limited to, health and development, congregational ministry, human rights, education, homelessness, addiction recovery, women's issues, and children and youth... Current YAGM country programs include: Argentina/Uruguay, Cambodia, Central Europe (Hungary), Jerusalem/West Bank, Madagascar, Mexico, Rwanda, Southern Africa, and United Kingdom." - Read more here
I'm absolutely thrilled to be traveling to Cambodia, for this opportunity to learn from the culture and people of Cambodia. This next year will be a year of growth and discovery, a year of challenge and transformation.  Already I have become more aware of the blessings in my life. This is where you, dear Reader, have a role. I have been overwhelmed by the generosity and the encouragement that I have witnessed over the past couple months as I have told friends, family, and strangers the news. I'm so very, very thankful.

As I prepare for this year of service and then throughout the year, I have one request. Please, keep me in your thoughts and prayers. You, your support and encouragement, have had an integral role in my life, whether you were a part of my childhood, my school years, or you came into my life five minutes ago when you started reading this blog, whether you know me, my family, or if you're a kind-hearted stranger... It's in part due to your influence that I said "yes" to traveling 9,000+ miles across the world.

So please, pray for me and my journey, as well as the other 85+ young adults who have been charged with the same mission. I have a google calendar, where the computer savvy can indicate that they have adopted a day to prayer for me- and for those of you who don't wish to indicate online, that's fine as well. You can either tell me, and I'll add you, or you can choose to remain anonymous. All prayers and all thoughts are appreciated. And hey, if you want to send me an email or a letter, I won't say no to that, either! I'm still working out a few details with the calendar, but I have at least imbedded it on this blog- so you should be able to see it.

My fundraising page is still accessible at, but with a thankful heart I can share with you that my generous supporters have helped me reach MORE than 100% of my goal. Thank you, thank you, thank you. From this point on, I will most likely only be updating this blog, rather than the fundraising page. This blog will be my main source of updates.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.